Formerly Tucson Neighborhood Food Pantry... different name, same awesome food pantry
and volunteers!
Walk-Up Service!
6161 E 22nd Street
Normal Hours of Operation
Thursdays & Saturdays
Registration starts at 3 pm
4 pm - 6 pm
(Service stops at 6 pm)
A photo ID will be requested.
No qualifications.
May visit once per week.

Christmas Food Box 2023!
Food Needs
Pasta and pasta sauce
Canned fruit and vegetables
Canned soups
Canned chicken and tuna
Boxed dinner mixes
Boxed side dishes
Pancake mix and syrup
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Pop-top canned goods
Individually wrapped breakfast and snacks
Baby Essentials
Baby wipes
Personal Hygiene Needs
Bar soap
All-in-one shampoo and conditioner
Toilet paper
Facial tissue
Laundry soap pods
Dishwashing detergent
Hotel size toiletries
Serving our Community
Approximately 28,000 lbs of perishable and non-perishable food is provided during over 800 client visits per month.
Clients may visit once per week, when other organizations serve once monthly.
Fresh produce, dairy, meat, non-perishable food items, breads and desserts are in every box.
Personal hygiene items, baby essentials, and pet food are also provided
on a first-come, first-served basis, and when available.
What our Clients Say
"Thank you for what you do. My family more than appreciates your organization. We start skipping meals especially around the 10th of the month after rent is paid."
"We couldn't make it without your help. Thanks for the help."
"Thank you for being a valuable resource to many in need in our community, including my family. Your organization is a true blessing and my family has been greatly blessed by your generosity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your staff is so welcoming and helpful and I love to come and see your happy faces!"
"May God bless you all. My sister and her children moved in with me. My sister lost her job and I'm about to lose mine the first of the year. Without your help every week I don't know what we would have done. We have both found new jobs but we won't have a paycheck for a couple of weeks. We know we will get by with help from people like you."
"I sit here and look around the room, humbled in my heart and saddened in my soul that so many people are in need. I wish, hope and pray that my family and I are in better standing soon to help those in need more. I absolutely adore what this program does to help people."
"Thank you for ALL that you do for the community. You are such a blessing. Thank you!"
"This is my first time coming here and or asking for help. It has been a rough year for me and my family. Thank you so much for the help and the smiles. Thank you for making me feel hope again!"